How to obtain an executive role: 

1) Please read the attatched guidelines below to undertsand the tasks you will be completing as an executive member. 
2) After reading all the guidelines, please fill out the google form to sign up for a role. 
3) After reading all the guidelines and submitting an application through the google form, please wait for an email where you will encounter the next set of instructions. 

Executive Role Position: 

As an executive member of SuperSoles, you will be supplied with certain tasks to help expand the organization abroad. Since the organization is currently small, your tasks to contribute to the community will unfortunately be limited. Although with your help, we can expand the organization among great lengths to reach out to more people and accumulate more donations. The tasks you will be supplied with once you are selected for the executive position: 
1) An important task as an executive member is posting highlights and events on social media. We currently have an instagram page, but we are open to more media platforms in the future. Your job will be to either post updates on the instagram account, or reach out on the internet through other devices and apps in any way possible. 
2) Another option as an executive member will be spreading out flyers among you area to grab attention to donators. Flyers can be posted throughout schools, libraries, and recreational centers to grab attention to donators.The print out of the flyers will be attached to the email we send to you regarding your application. 
3) As an executive member, you may also set up stations for collecting shoes throughout your community. Please only reach out to areas where you are comfortable contacting with, and you can collect the shoes at a frequent pace.  The guidelines to set up the stations will be posted in the email provided to you after the application process. 
4) If you have any other ideas as an executive member of SuperSoles, you can always let us know!

After receiving the email regarding your application process, you are required to contact us for how you are serving the community through SuperSoles when you complete tasks and participate at events. If you want to end your executive position at any time, or have any personal conflict during your position, please just email with the link provided in the contact information and we will respond as soon as possible. Happy donating! 

Why should you become an executive member, or what benefits come along with the position? 

As an executive member of SuperSoles, you will be enhancing the organization and spreading the donation process among more areas around the world. Becoming an executive member will help improve your application process for college, especially since you are willing to give up your time for the community. Community service hours are rewarded to executive members who participate at events, or help the community in any way possible. Since the organization is small, we cannot supply numerous positions or tasks for each executive. If you are willing to provide your time for the organization and will keep up to date with the coordinating responsibilities, please fill out the google form to submit your application process and we will be with you shortly. 


351 St Lawrence Cir
Sagamore Hills, OH, 44067, US

About SuperSoles: 

SuperSoles is a nonprofit organization that donates second hand shoes to individuals who are in need of a helpful hand in their community. 

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